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Seinfeld: 4. Sezon 2. Bölüm — İzleyiciler


Seinfeld: 4. Sezon 2. Bölüm

(The Trip (Part 2))

22 dakika



Jerry and George try to contact the police to tell them Kramer is innocent. Kramer still doesn't know he's wanted. Jerry and George get a ride in a police car and while en route the officers pick up a possible 519. The 519 suspect is put in the back of the car with George and Jerry and they ask him tipping advice. Then all units are called in on Kramer's building, Jerry and George leave the police car door open and the 519 suspect escapes. While Kramer is in for questioning, another victim is found. He is let go and Jerry and George want to know what he is going to do, he is going to stay in LA. Jerry and George are back in New York and Kramer turns up like nothings changed.



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